Thursday, October 2, 2014


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Sweet Cheeks had a bang up Easter and was pretty much the hit of the day (outside of Jesus, that is).  We had a sweet friend let out her Easter dress that she wore last year and it's amazing to see how big she's gotten.  And I miss that little baby.  This kid is all over the place.  She was picking up eggs (ceramic, because Mommy left the eggs at home), getting into the bunny cake, decorating the bunny tree and going down the slide in her dress and tights and well we'll throw those away now.

If you've ever wondered what it looks like when an ipad hits I-40, just let me know.  I can show you.  That's all I'll comment right now about that.  

So anyway, Emma ate ham and bunny cake and smashed green beans into her face.  She had a great time and likely too much of a good time because when she returned to school the next day, she thought it appropriate to bite three kids.  Spoiled rotten to the point of madness.  We'll have to reel her in real quick or it'll be a permanent take your kid to work kinda situation.
We had our awesome neighbors over the night before Easter - David grilled some flank steak which he marinated in some chimichurri garlic something or another sauce and shut the front door it was tastyness.  SOOOO good.  The kids played exceptionally well and Sweet Cheeks had suuuuuch a good time running and screaming and learning all of Boy Boy's little tricks of daredevildom.  But, a wonderful time and we love them and are sooo very glad they moved across from us. 
The whole idea was for Cheeks to be involved in bunny cake making, but Mommy was tired and schedules were such that she was present only for the baking of the cakes that make up said bunny cake.  She spent most of that time thankfully in her cabinet, and only got the burger press out once or twice illegally.  We did the cake up with Grandmommy after Em went to bed so everything worked out A+ and there was way too much coconut involved but you have to know the bunny needed to be fluffy.  After decorations, David named him Demetrius.  Hilarious.
And now we are back to regular scheduled programming and oh my goodness I love only working 4 days a week.  Only I didn't cause I also worked Saturday, so no rest for Mamaweary over here.
It was just a good time and if the kid will stop biting and screaming, we could possibly turn our life into the Brady Bunch.  Without the housekeeper and 5 extra kids.  Of course.

ooooooooooh and guess who now can run to Chipotle for lunch!!!  That's right, Lent is over!  Time for a burrito bowl of goodness. 

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