Thursday, October 2, 2014


April 28, 2014

I can't get Emma to watch 10 minutes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (which is not a terrible problem to have unless I need to do dishes), but she will sit and watch Elmo's Song on youtube all the live long day.  She gets excited by yelling "Elmo."  And then she keeps up with the song by screaming "la la la la."  And then she knows when the song is over, because she starts clapping, an appreciatory gesture for Elmo bringing the gift of song to her world.  It's at this point that she yells "Elmo" a few more times just to make sure I get her hint to play the thing again.

She loves it, so I love it.  Which is weird because I am a big fan of Mr. Elmo, given the fact that I got a Tickle Me Elmo when I was 26 years old.  I have always been ahead of the times you see.

Things she also is doing these days:
- says thank you on the regular, without prompting (please is still a desired and requested behavior)
- will repeat things we say, which is good....until it's not.  will keep this status updated
- now knows how to lock doors.  so she's locked the bathroom thrice and herself in her bedroom with one just out of the shower Mommy who panicked and yelled to her "please sit down and read a book" lest you have furniture tumble on top of you.  #motheroftheyear
- loves to go up the stairs, down the stairs, up the stairs, down the stairs.  on and on and on, you get the point
- eats raw vegetables, like peppers and cauliflower and cherry tomatoes.  wut?
- flushed the toilet three times last night, when we were watching tv (oops)
- points to her diaper and says "pee pee"  (Good job Emma, that's exactly what you did)
- jumps and jumps and then falls down on the couch, whereupon she laughs hysterically
- will use you as a step stool to bigger and better things to get in trouble with
- takes a bath in the big girl tub (which I delayed doing because it saved water and limited her maneuverability, but she's a big kid now)
- climbs up her high chair
- subsequently brushes her teeth while getting her hair dried after bath
- likes to jump off the coffee table (typically when someone is there to catch her and it's really more of a step off like she walked the plank)
- loves to go outside and do much of nothing, but likes to suddenly dash off.  the funnest of the fun.
- will scream "no" at the top of her lungs while having dinner.  for no reason.
- chases the dog and laughs maniacally when doing so
- picks out the books she wants us to read before bed and now knows where her elbow is
- gives a fake cheesy grin when she's doing something she knows she's not supposed to
- gives a fake cheesy grin when she's happy- gets very very loud when she's in time out
- is very loving when she finally gets out of time out
- can reach the kitchen drawers and pulled out a sharpie and then took the cap off before I could get to her
- answers no to every question even if she means yes
- drew with chalk on the driveway and then drew on her dress instead
 - restarted my computer at home, thank you Em
- does not want to hang out in the house if she thinks there is an alternative
- gives us something to belly laugh and cry about each day (ok maybe it's just me doing the crying) 
- has her TWO canine teeth comin on in, more to bite her friends with I suppose
- bit three friends last week 
- is undeterred by the word no
- will greet you with a "hey" if you greet her first
- can wipe her nose and will offer you her boogies, bonus sauce for Mommy
- is undeniably super precious when she lays her head on your shoulder.  and stays for 2.3 seconds.


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