What did Emma do in the month of May, 2014?
She gave kisses on the mouth and made pucker sounds....kissed Gracie mucho times one day and her tail just started wagging. And Gracie isn't really a fan of Sweet Cheeks, so that was pretty notable. In case Gracie gets too big for her cocker britches, Emma will tell her "no bite" to make sure the day proceeds safely. (*note that this does not apply to Emma, just to Gracie).
Her "please" sounds more like please and less peas or cheese or anything else.
She loves mandarin oranges and will eat an entire jar. They are good stuff. She will eat fruit all day if we let her.
She will tell you to sit next to her by pointing and saying "sit." It's in your best interest to follow her directions.
She LOVES Elmo videos and will watch them all night long. She will ask for them. She will bring me the remote and scream "Elmo." She will stop crying when Elmo makes an appearance. Her favorites are the Jason Mraz, Feist and Adam Sandler celebrity Elmo videos. Which means that those three are in our heads, all the live long day.
She can say "bubbles" and loves the idea of playing with bubbles. Perhaps a little less than trying to eat the bubbles.
She will give kisses to Baby Evan across the street - sweet kisses, not attack the dog kisses. So that's pleasing.
She says the whole word "Mommy," which tickles me to death.
She knows how to put on her shoes, but won't. Just because.
She knows her name and will point to herself and say "Emma!"
She bounces in her crib like a trampoline until we come get her.
She says "hep" when she wants you to help her finish her yogurt. She likes peppers and cucumber and will snack on both.
She loves for her Daddy to throw her in the air. Her grandmommy does not like this.
She will walk to the pantry and ask for a "nack." Her "nack" is a fruit bar and don't deny her one.
What did Emma do in the month of June, 2014?
Emma says...says "I bite" while having her dinner. Asked her if she pooped and said "I don't." Says "grandmommy" and "paw paw" no matter how much we try to get her to say Grandpa. (literally all. the. time.) Tells Gracie "no" when she barks.
She will wave by to Gracie on the way to school (while walking through the laundry room).
She will pick out her own books to read before bedtime.
She will bring David his ipad.
She doesn't like socks and will take off her shoes whenever possible. Always in the car.
She can pick out Uncle Don Don on the fridge and loves to flush the toilet.
She will hand her food back to you if she doesn't want to eat it. That makes dinner pretty fun.
She fetched beer for everyone at Grandmommy's cookout and ate all the ice cubes from the beer cooler. Oops. She also said "hot dog," gave Max kisses and then stuck her finger in his ear. Oops.
She will repeat all of our words. All. We are now much more careful with our words and are grateful when she opts out of parrot-mode.
She played in her new sandbox (a ladybug) for five whole minutes and then threw cornhole bags when David's friend Randy came to town. She had a great time.
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