Thursday, October 2, 2014


March 10, 2014

The only real excuse I have for not getting on here and typing up more words about the awesomeness of Emma is that I've been busy, real busy.  At work.  At home.  Everywhere.  And I haven't been able to motivate myself to type words of the coherent variety.  That would require thought and patience and other things of which I have none of.  Emma has taken most of my patience and stomped it to the tune of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  But she's just a baby doing baby things.  She's also been amazing.  

But life's been interesting the last 3 weeks.  We've tried hard to buy a Jeep and then not buy a Jeep.  Emma now wants to control her dining destiny, which sometimes ends up with her making pudding out of avocado.  She can feed herself with a spoon and relatively little (40%) airborne food.  She fed herself some yogurt from a bowl a couple of days ago and I was proud of the lack of yogurt on the kitchen counters and ceiling.  She'll say "all done" when she's finished (after some prompting to use her words and not her throwing arm).  Either that, or will send the rest of the bowl/tray/plate flying.  We make her pick up all of the drops when she gets down, but I don't think she cares that flying food results in free Emma labor.

She ate chips and salsa and followed it up with some guacamole....and then tossed her bowl across the restaurant for good measure.  I'm sure we'll get there someday, that day just isn't today.  She spilled water from the spout on the fridge all over herself and I told her it was just water...she says "wa-ta."  Criminy how cute.  We gave her some stir fry the other night and she yelled "oh, boy!"  For real.  In a previous life, I would add broccoli and call it gourmet, but now I add all kinds of onions and carrots and peppers, oh my, to make lil bit get a taste of other foods that her mama wouldn't a touched.

She has a boyfriend at school, but we can't let Daddy know.  Little Logan likes to hug and kiss on her, but Cheeks will beat up Logan if he gets too sassy....word on the street.  I told his Mom and I think she thought I was kidding.  Maybe not.

Gracie, my little cocker, has been infirmed with a back problem as of late and is just now getting the go-ahead to be a free roaming dog.  Emma liked to climb her gate to the laundry room and still does, if it's up.  She'll also climb on the kitchen table.  Last night she hoisted herself up there while we were trying to get her high chair ready and grabbed her food, ready to eat dinner.  Lest we have broccoli and pasta stars all over the kitchen, I grabbed her before things got rowdy.

She got into the cabinets, as always, several weeks ago and ended up breaking in pieces my Williams Sonoma mixing bowl.  Seeing as how it was a wedding gift and something I don't use so that I don't mess it up....well, girlfriend had to take a trip to the restroom to compose herself, cry and compose herself again before going absolutely berzerk on the kid.  Still a bit salty on that actually.

Since she was born, Sweet Cheeks will lay on your shoulder relaxing before her bedtime or whenever she just wants to lay her sweet head down on's at these times that she likes to rub on your upper arm.  And it's so sweet.  And it's when I discover that her nails are as sharp as a Swiss Army knife.

She likes to put her puzzle pieces into her purse.  She'll gather her purse, bucket o' shapes, bucket o' shapes with noise and anything else she can throw on her shoulder and announce that she's going "byebye."  This typically happens when we're not going anywhere, so she travels to the kitchen and enjoys her stay.  The purse has, however, made it into the car the past two drive to daycare mornings for Mommy.  Picking our battles!

Emma, my preciousness, turned 19 months old a few days back (on the 3rd for those keeping count), and celebrated around that time by waking up at 5:45,6, 6:15....whathaveya, and just about drove me bonkers.  Because, you see, when homegirl doesn't sleep late, she misses out on some sleep we previously counted on.  David and I are united on that front of please no more of this insanity.  I hope she's turning the corner, but she was up and at em (them?) this morning at the breakfast time of 6:41.
David has a knack of getting her to go back to sleep by shushing.  You can tell his mood by how he shushes.  This morning was a "I'm in a hurry to get to work" shush.  Last night at 2:30 am was a "stfu" shush.  But no matter the shush, Emma reacts.  As soon as he shushes, she hits the deck like somebody said bomb.  And, with that, she slept another whole hour!  I'm going to rent him out as shusher for hire, I'm sure in the baby kingdom we call Durham, people will be knocking our door down in no time.

Buuuut outside of that, she couldn't be more cute and expressive.  I like the cute expressions best, not the yelling ones.  We tend to get more of the latter and I think schoolmates get the former.  Ain't cool girlfriend.  I am sad sad sad that her next milestone comes with a 2 attached to it.  20 months, 2 years old.  No thank you.  I want to hold a lil baby Emma more and more and again some more.

Good job on the growing up Emma, we are proud of you and your smartness.


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