Thursday, January 10, 2013


I haven't slept much lately, thanks to my precious Amazing Emma.  She has her first cold and yesterday (ok, two days ago) had her first fever.  Margaret from Chapel Hill Pediatrics and me are now best friends.  Emma has been whiny and in place of sleeping has been snotty and coughing.  It's terrible.  She's coughed so hard on two occasions that she lost all her milk.  On me.  I worked hard for that milk.  And it smelled terrible, like when you might leave the expiring milk out on the counter for a couple of days before throwing it in the actual trash can.  Maybe I'm the only one who's done that before.  But anyway, yuck.

The toilets with the econo-flush option (up for pee, down for...whatever)....well, I feel like the toilet explodes with the pee option.  Hate to see what it does when you opt for the other.

David let me go to bed the other night at 8:00 pm.  It was wonderful.  I was refreshed again at 11:30 pm when I woke up again.  Good thing, too, since I got up again at 4:30 am to a fussy, snotty, now lying perpendicular in her crib baby.  I was so refreshed that I didn't mind scooping her up and loving on her when the people that make the biscuits at Bojangles haven't even left the house yet.

I made really good pork chops the other night before my early bedtime.  I fixed a co-worker's computer and don't know how.  I set up a printer on someone else's computer.  I am exceeding expectations I set for myself.

People in Chapel Hill suck at driving.  They are always on their phone or just being otherwise stupid.  Don't get me started on the Whole Foods parking lot.  For the love of organic mayonnaise, those people are morons.

It's hard to have time to do anything anymore without having to clean up something or feed the baby.  Maybe I should take a time management class, but I think my problem is just that I want to sleep.

Watching for my school on the news
and hoping for a snow day!

I hope Emma feels better soon.  It's hard to see your baby girl coughing and hacking and sneezing and just not being unsick.  I love her and would take the sickness from her if I could.  But I think I already did.  I blame Nia and Abigail and Eve and Emma S.  Probably some other kids too, but I didn't see snot coming out of their noses recently.

The one time that I needed to pay a bill online is the one time I left my bag in the car, figuring I wouldn't need it for the rest of the hour I was at work.  I was wrong.  Son of a......

1 comment:

  1. You crack me up! I literally laughed out loud at the organic mayo comment. :-)
