Wednesday, August 1, 2012


I really hate doctors.  I don't really like UNC doctors.  And I'll really be glad when I don't have to see them anymore.  They don't talk to each other.  They are all about protocol.  They like to do all sorts of things to make a new mother stressed out, when all they are supposedly trying to do is lower her stress.  IS IT WORKING???  So I had another appointment on Monday for a non-stress test.  These tend to get stressful, as Baby Perry does not like them.  Her heartbeat is good and she does move, but not enough to score all the points she needs.  Maybe she's a point guard and wants to share the wealth.  I don't know, but it was 8 in the morning and we were both somewhat still a bit sleepy anyway.

So here we go into ultrasound so that she can move and they can see it and they can make sure I still have placenta or something.  All in the name of preventing that preeclampsia thing.  I am all for that, but test upon test is driving me nuts, not to mention taking an ax to my credit card.  Rest assured, Baby Perry, that I will not do anything to endanger you, but you gotta work with me here.  MOVE when I tell you to move.  It's for the good of both of us.

As luck would have it, I have another appointment tomorrow.  Should be exhilarating and costly all at the same time.  Pray that my nerves are happy and my BP is down.  The doctors were talking about taking the precious little girl out a week early.  I don't want that.  I am not ready for that.  I have things to do that don't involve me pushing out a baby and then watching over it for an extra week than I bargained for.  I hope I can make it the whole way.  I'll be fine having her now, if I can just find her a hotel for a few weeks until I am ready for her to come home.  I don't think that's how it works?

David's grandma passed away and we had the visitation and funeral last week.  The day before my appointment, so of course my BP was a little high.  We'd eaten like crap for a week and things were just all out of kilter in my world.  Then I had a three day swim meet this past weekend.  I tried to do very little, but 14 hours at a pool times 3 is a lot to handle.  Had an appointment Monday, as mentioned, and then headed to Jane's pool for my last sunning of the season more than likely.  I am determined not to be a white Mom.  Then I had the most wonderful prenatal massage - I'm going to need more of those.  I tried to get David to massage my back and legs last night, as I'd never felt better yesterday.  I think he needed lotion but it was great.  He's such a sweetheart though and I can't wait to see his face when I pop this kid out.  (it might be a thank God type of face that I am no longer cussing his butt out)

He put the bedding on the crib this weekend and I absolutely adore it.  I hope the kid does too, but she doesn't really have a say in it anyway.  He did lots of chores last week while he was out for Grandma.  I couldn't ask for anything more from him (except not to eat the frozen stuff out of the freezer that I made for after the baby comes).

Today marks the last month that I plan to be pregnant.  This baby is coming out within the month.  Sooner perhaps than later.  I am slowly starting to freak out.  I don't know how this thing works.  I'm confident I don't want to know.  Either way would scare me, so I'm going to go in blinders on and get some drugs ASAP.  I finally packed my bag.  Well, at least my stuff - I don't have anything packed for Baby Perry yet.  It's still all about me at this point, of course.  Insurance, day care, pediatricians....holy crap we have lots to do and pay for.  Our first mortgage payment is today too.  Damn you Wells Fargo.

Fingers crossed that I make it the whole way to 40 weeks....that I don't break water in the museum (or really at all anywhere but the hospital)....that I manage to get pain medicine before the pain has me wishing I was dead....that they clean up the girl before sticking her on my chest....but most importantly that Baby Perry and I come out of this unscathed, healthy and perfect as perfect can be.  I can't wait to see my ankle bones again, it'll probably be like Christmas.

We're waiting for you girl!


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